To Hope…

To Hope…(Shenandoah National Park, November 2021)

How did a whole year pass by amid covid and chaos? Seconds by seconds and minutes by minutes ~ time passed at its own pace~ unstoppable as it is ~ neither slow nor fast but at its own pace. However, it does feel like a whole year passed in a blink as we all lived through COVID-19 – grieving, thriving, and masking up ourselves and doing the best we could to survive when surviving has been challenged. And, by calling surviving a challenge, it definitely has been a challenge ~ to some a lot and to some very less. While we were lucky to get vaccinated and boosted, there are many in the world who haven’t and some of them include our relatives and close ones. And, how long this will last as the world continues to suffer through this pandemic?

Negative Covid Test 12.31.2021

Well, who knew we will reach nearly half a million positive cases this week here in the USA! What a scary thought? And, we are heading towards another year of uncertainty with this disease. Currently, I am in America where I cannot find a COVID test that is available even though I have symptoms that are similar to COVID-19 which were terrible but now I am improving. The systems are yet again overwhelmed and so are we. However, I could get an “At home” test that tested negative~ what a privilege to have. What a privilege it is to feel negative for COVID-19 while I cannot move out of the couch as I do not have any energy (except for typing, I guess) due to the FLU like symptoms. From reading COVID-19 symptoms over and over again to testing the fever with a thermometer every 30 minutes ~ this is giving me paranoia ~ of course.

To Hope~~ and to the flow

However, there are a few things that I am looking forward to in 2022 and I am grateful that I am alive. And, I hope that everyone has something to look forward to. Like I told to my girlfriends ~ 2022 is my year! This is my year of choosing self-care and self-love. And, I am looking forward to so much self-care and self-love and whatever that might look like.

Hope is my word for 2022! Here’s to Hope ~~~

12.31.2021 West Lafayette, IN

Inbox (13)

You are Everywhere!

The tips of my finger just typed the above words in my pink keyboard. I remember how you teased me saying, “You have everything pink- but Keyboard as well- Really?”, of course with your dimpled smile accepting my favorite color.   May be I have been thinking about you a lot or may be I have been talking with you inside my own world a lot or may be it is basically true that – “You are Everywhere ~ Just Everywhere”

How can somebody occupy that much space when I all the time say that I need my personal space, I need to be with myself! I think I lie. I don’t need my space anymore since the day when I welcomed you in my little world. The first day, I saw you~ world had completely blurred as eyes were focused on you ~ only you. I don’t know my mind did not only picture you but also took a video or even a selfie with you~ the memories lie in the perfect files in the cabinet of mind. Yeah, I do flip through files. Also through the pictures of you in my mind, sometime play back that video that I have captured you with smile, laughter or just in a silent mood when I am babbling a lot – like all the time I do or sometimes just watch ourselves walking together with crossed palms or you holding me in your arms or sometimes us sitting in the ground and just talking on and on and on.

May be truly – You are everywhere!

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Few Poems – For You

Behind you - I silently compose poems in my head-But aren't we poetry ourselves?

Behind you – I silently compose poems in my head-But aren’t we poetry ourselves?

Poem-1: Pocket

In that pocket

Life is kept safe

More than the wallet

More than the house key

More than anything that’s valuable

There is You ~ my happiness

I call it heart!


Poem 2: Junkiri Nights

Moon was hiding behind that naked Tree

I viber-ed you

The image I managed to capture with phone


There was something I could only capture

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The Treasure

Of course you are a Treasure! Do you think you are less? I don’t think so! Why? But Why, I don’t think so? After all what is that in you that makes me feel you are not less than a Treasure? You trouble me a lot! I feel like you have an attitude! Oh Yeah! You have so much of attitude problem na! More than I have! But does this makes you less than a Treasure! No, it still doesn’t. You would ask yourself why? May be you will not know the answer to it, right? Sometimes you don’t know your own name or your identity is so fluid that it keeps on floating- Right after this sentence, you know what I want to do? I want to rename you-because for me you are that sparkling gem in life and of course a Treasure!

There is no blood relation of ours like Ama or we haven’t spent years and years to know each other but feels like we have talked so much-spent our energies of voice through wave length of sounds, spent our time thinking about each other with the links being sent by telepathic waves, spent time reading about each other so much through our writings, spent time hearing about each other so much in those stories of childhood and youth we share – Does it feels to you that I am revealing all the secrets? Shh.. still not and I won’t. But I know you will let me express- like always – like the way you keep on listening for long while I don’t stop my babble. Ok! Let me babble a while…will you? Stop buzzing over my head, for a while- will you? Continue reading