
Fallen and scattered Mimosa (Pic by Kishor K Sharma)

सन्दुकरुपी मनमा

भावनाको पत्र

खात माथि खात

लेख्दै - जम्मा पार्दै

र तल्चा मार्दै

गुम्साएर, ढुस्साएर, सँगालेर राख्ने

भावनाहरु, आकांक्षाहरु, ईच्छाहरु

त्यै सुयोगबिर त हो नि ।

छाती भरी बेदना थुपार्ने

अदृश्य घाऊ पालेर राख्ने

मनैमा हुर्काउने, मनैलाई दु:खाउने

सहेर पिडा घाम र पानीको

शिरिष भइ उभिएर

सक्म्बरी फुलाउने

त्यै सुयोगवीर त हो नि ।

बुढो सुयोगवीरको बैशलु सपना कि रानी
उ त्यै सकम्बरी त हो नि ...

Blue Mimosa….

Photo clicked by a fren !!!

Photo clicked by a fren !!!

Something I fantasize a lot, something that makes me feel so cool and something that I love truly from my heart. This arouse a feeling in me. A feeling that makes me feel so good. Reminds me of so many things. A grand treat for eyes. The blue environment , I feel so wonderful. I enjoy this blue environment whenever i behold these beautiful flowers on the tree and on the ground……A cool chill i feel inside, a feeling that’s so great.

“Blue Mimosa “, we call it Siris Ko Phul is something that I call a grand treat from nature ( esp for me ). This reminds me of the novel by Parijat, everytime I remember the description of this Siris Ko Phul…..thats so lively and thats so much heart touching.

Thanks to you who clicked a picture of Siris ko Phul….

Loved it….