
धमिलो धमिलो संसार...

धमिलो धमिलो संसार…

इन्द्रेनी जालो कल्पनाको


आशाको घेरा भित्र


लुकाएर, छुपाएर अनी हुर्काएर

राखेको एक टुक्रा सपना

बन्द आफ्नो आँखा भित्र आँफै छिरेर

बन्देजहरु सबै चिरेर

मोज सँग देख्नेरहेछु

त्यही एक टुक्रा सपना ।

आफुले आँफैलाई नियल्दा

रमाएको देख्दा इन्द्रेनी जलो भित्र

लाग्दछ कहिले नटुटोस

मेरो यो निन्द्रा

नखोलम म कहिले आफ्नो नयनहरु


कहाँ सक्छु र म बसिरहन

आफुले श्रीजना गरेको

भ्रमको यो उज्यालोमा?

फुस्काएर इन्द्रेनी जालो

मेटाएर  आशाको घेरो

बाच्नु नै छ मलाई

रित्तो रहरहरु साथ

रित्तो अन्धकारमा…

केवल रित्तो अन्धकारमा

Realistic tales of eternal feelings

Book Review published in Today’s Republica Daily


Written over three decades, and sharing stories of times back till today, “Chapters” is a collection of 19 succinct, realistic and abstract stories by Amod Bhattarai. The stories, originally written in Nepali in different magazines over the years, have been compiled in a book, and translated by Prawin Adhikari.

Through his stories, Bhattarai has tried to give his readers different life experiences of individuals across the world exceeding topographical boundaries. Through his narratives, the author takes his readers back in time or to distant lands to peek into the lives of a variety of people. The book begins with an emotional account of a Nepali man entitled “The Embers That Remained” written in 1999, and ends his latest equally powerful story “And This Is Not A Story.”

Every story in the book has a sketch by Yogesh Khapangi, giving a luminous look to the book. Continue reading