Lets fall in love !

Your Essence = My Essence , You mirror- I image,

Your Essence = My Essence , You mirror- I image,

Drop by drop

I fall.

Indeed your love.

I run my fingers

All over you.

I float above you.

Aren’t you ignited?

Oh Phewa!

Yes, with my touch?

Scared I am

The whirlpool of love

Can you permit?

And let me get drown?

Yes, in your love

What else I want?

I waited, all my life

For you.
For you.

Drop by Drop

I fall

Indeed your love.

(Phewa Lake, Pokhara, 1/25/2014)

Table Song~eet

I wish our talk to shift from Table to Tree--

I wish our talk to shift from Table to Tree–

A Photograph

This is a new aura or a new ambiance ~too different from our little Coffee table with two small chairs. A little big for two with two spare empty dark chairs. We fill the emptiness with our heavy loaded bags, first. Secondly, we fill them with our heavy loaded hearts and obsessed minds.

Then, you slowly unpack the heavy bag. My eyes twinkle with an awe, affection and delight.What is new in the bag? What is new in that wrapped one? But my attention goes towards your heart and mind. While you start unwrapping your recollection, I snatch the wrapped ones ( I know those are for me, their specialty hints). Tightly clutching them to my chest, I keep them aside. Making them so mine.

Something that what is yours is mine, something that what is mine is yours…Strange. How is this possible? The facade of my face resembling you, the reflection resembling you and the heart and mind just like a photocopy of yours- Don’t you feel like I am shadow of your own body that you have ignored or never noticed for years and years?

Waiting… I am for you to unpack your heavy loaded heart.  Once you start reciting yourself- I feel like I am watching you through a bio-scope. The visual generates in my mind and I am looking at it without my eyes or perhaps with my eyes open or just staring at you fills every gap and I feel like I am watching your world through a bio-scope. So “different” is your world. Not a normal one. Distinctness in everything is what the most special about your world.

I know you notice me – jumping with laughter at your classic jokes and at the same time in tears at some emotional account of yours. I try to ignore your eyes….but as you tell it right – my facial expression reveals everything. I don’t have to speak up.

Even though you are yet to finish your bioscopic loads, I catch your hand and take you to tour into my small world. It is hard. You have to put your feet into my shoes to travel into my world. How luckily and how strangely your feet -fits into my shoes? Isn’t it magical? Yet, I am no magician to change your feet size nor this is a fairy tale – Cinderella like. This is life. I check your feet, I judge your feet. Doesn’t your feet clutch in my shoes? You walk freely without judgements. Continue reading